Take Control of Your Five-Star Staffing Rating Today!

Read The Definitive Five-Star Staffing Handbook

WP008_OnShift_Whitepaper_Five_Star_Staffing_Handbook.pngThe Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) have changed how Five-Star Quality Ratings are calculated and reported. 

With residents and their families, hospitals and healthcare providers relying on Five-Star Ratings to evaluate and compare communities, it’s critical for skilled nursing facilities to have a firm handle on current and future changes of the Five-Star Quality Rating System. 

In the guide:

  • Obtain keys metrics and calculations to help you determine your current staff rating and benchmark against your peers
  • Tips to track and measure employee utilization to make sure you have the data and processes in place to identify true job openings
  • Set Five Star labor budgets based on data, not guesswork, by considering the cost implications by position for optimal staffing

There has never been a greater focus on your staffing practices. Get the handbook to take control of your Five-Star staffing rating, put a plan in place to provide the highest quality care and outperform your competition!


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